Medicinal plants have been in use for millenniums by human race as potential source for healing and protective actions for our own benefit. For centuries scientists have found synthetic route for rapid and fast relief from the ailments. But somewhere, the danger of adverse reactions haunted many pharmaceutical giants, leading to rejections of potential leads having side effects making them inappropriate for human consumption, causing them huge losses. An Alternative exists in form of Natural route, as a source it provides an advantage of lower rejections and higher productivity with positive feedback from the patients or prospective clients for doctors. Therefore, recent decades, have seen an increase in surge towards natural source, and people preferring traditional system over conventional allopathic system for their respective ailments. The trend seems to shift for pharmaceutical bigwigs, with many pharmaceutical companies setting up their own indigenized Nutraceutical strategic business units, focusing on isolating potential natural drug leads. Punica granatum is boon for such companies having high potential for drug leads in various ailments. Ranging from having antioxidant potential, being antimicrobial, the plant proves to be a positive approach for cancer carcinogenesis and even AIDS (working as immustimulant and developing immune system strength). The present review just portrays a detailed factsheet on the future medicine store house for pharmaceuticals and mankind as a whole.